The rail deal offered customers a package containing a mobile phone and discount travel card but has so far failed to take off. |
None of his belongings had been taken, his mobile phone has not been used and no withdrawals have been made from his bank account. |
The information is then spread by word of mouth and mobile phone text messages. |
Angry residents claim a mobile phone mast was installed near their homes without their knowledge. |
She failed to respond to calls and text messages to her mobile phone and police feared the worst. |
One in seven mobile phone handsets goes wrong within a year, according to consumer watchdog Which? |
When a mobile phone account is activated with an operator, the Sim card records and registers this signature IMEI number. |
This relays a signal which is picked up by mobile phone transmitters along the rail route. |
One is yelling into a mobile phone, demanding to know why the taxi firm won't pick up groups of more than six. |
There is also a reason for abandoning a landline in favour of a mobile phone. |
The mobile phone is an important landmark in the field of communication, but it is often misused by the people. |
Kirsty revealed how she had spoken to Paul on his mobile phone only moments before he was ambushed. |
The advertising watchdog has reprimanded a company for sending an offensive text message calling for consumers to upgrade their mobile phone. |
As I turn back towards home, my mobile phone beeps into life. A new year greeting sent from a different time zone, halfway across the world. |
Other services to be offered may include reserving cinema tickets and paying mobile phone bills. |
A policeman took time from directing operations to lend me his car and mobile phone to collect my mind and phone work colleagues. |
The harsh ringing of his mobile phone on the coffee table in the middle of the studio makes us jump. |
Police in Sheffield are ringing the changes in a bid to crack mobile phone crime in the light of an alarming rise in bogus complaints. |
Telephone lines were jammed and mobile phone services briefly crashed as panicked residents called family and friends. |
At the time the group concluded that there was no evidence to suggest that mobile phone technologies posed a health risk. |
Rumours that the Bluetooth systems of cars are at risk from infection from mobile phone viruses have been debunked. |
The centre armrest is attached to the handbrake which is a neat idea and it opens up to reveal storage space for a mobile phone. |
Angry residents are up in arms over a proposal to site a giant mobile phone mast near their homes. |
Some of the mobile phones come locked to specific mobile phone service providers that sell them. |
If your mobile phone is locked with any mobile services provider you can also have it unlocked with free unlock codes. |
I called the lost property section, but none of their drivers have handed in a mobile phone today yet. |
A mobile phone was used to summon up assistance, and the next-door keeper turned out to help. |
He contacted police on his mobile phone and gave a running commentary on the getaway vehicle as events unfolded. |
It is also claimed he gave a running commentary over his mobile phone of the movements of the neighbour in her house and garden. |
Telephones used by foreign residents have been cut off and the secret police have assumed control of the country's mobile phone service. |
He wasn't the main suspect, luckily, but his mobile phone number was on the alleged murderers phone. |
One of them usually gets a top-of-the-range model, but another is lumbered with a mobile phone camera and expected to perform miracles. |
Conducting the auction of a property, the auctioneer noticed an agent talking to his client on his mobile phone. |
The company has also developed some novel technology to drive autofocus mechanisms for mobile phone cameras. |
During this same period, my home telephone and my mobile phone were subject to nuisance calls. |
He grabbed the presidential mobile phone, which had a double-headed eagle instead of buttons, from the nightstand. |
They were miles from anywhere and mum couldn't get a signal on her mobile phone, so she had to walk quite a way to get help. |
The magazine aims to tap into the mobile phone subculture which has developed during the last five years. |
The authorities can now secretly tap into e-mails and mobile phone calls and track websites visited without the need for a judicial warrant. |
The student had tapped her name and mobile phone number into his phone and arranged to meet him for lunch before she left. |
Like shrieking teenage girls, they gathered around her and clicked away on their mobile phone cameras. |
So watch out all you mobile phone makers, all you console vendors, all you PC producers. |
The suspects took the second victim's mobile phone from his back pocket before fleeing. |
I'm morbidly compelled by stuff filmed on a mobile phone such as the tsunami. |
Last week, a young Vietnamese woman suffered minor burns to her stomach and hands after her 8210 Nokia mobile phone apparently exploded. |
A tearful woman who identified herself as Yushenkov's wife answered his mobile phone and said he had been killed. |
From internet identity fraud to mobile phone scams, it seems there are now a myriad of ways in which crooks can strike against the unwary. |
The teenage girl driver told police she was on her mobile phone at the time of the crash. |
I recommend a mobile phone to make her look not like a scatty old lady but a busy executive on the job. |
And while mobile phone tunes may already give you the bird, it could be worse, South suggests. |
All over the world, telcos have seen customers switching to cable and mobile phone services. |
A telecom industry analyst said the impact on the two mobile phone companies would be minimal. |
At first glance it looks like an ordinary telegraph pole but it's really a cunningly disguised mobile phone mast. |
The situation for vehicle telematics differs greatly from the mobile phone market. |
In the event of discrepancies, we followed up participants by telephone and re-checked mobile phone data. |
People spread their fears and new found information by telephone, mobile phone, text messages, email, and word of mouth. |
She became worried and attempted to telephone her husband but his mobile phone was switched off. |
I didn't have a mobile phone to telephone my husband and so they said they would go to my house and get him. |
Standing in baggage reclaim at Luton airport the other day, it struck me that almost everyone around me had taken out their mobile phone. |
Four innocent bystanders were injured by ricocheting bullets when a bagman for a Pattaya loan shark opened fire on his mobile phone. |
Tethering is a feature that lets your mobile phone share its wireless data connection with your computer. |
He has not been heard from since and has not returned any calls or texts to his mobile phone, she said. |
Any mobile phone can receive texts and it keeps you in close touch with your money. |
I'd just switched off the tape recorder and switched on the mobile phone when a text popped up to say that the deal had finally been done. |
In recent weeks we have reported on scams perpetrated by post, fax and mobile phone text message. |
The answers were then looked up and sent by mobile phone text message to students in the test hall. |
Each inquiry will cost the same as a regular text message depending on the mobile phone operator. |
And today we make it easier than ever to join the cause by allowing you to add your name by mobile phone text message. |
Many mobile phone networks now provide free text messaging or services for as little as 10p a message. |
For the first time in the UK voting can be done by the Internet and mobile phone text messaging, as well as by traditional ballot papers. |
They also showed that on-board systems ignored the Bluetooth traffic generated by an infected mobile phone. |
Moves are afoot to include some mobile phone textspeak in the official dictionary of the game beloved by generations. |
He had pulled up outside to take a call on his mobile phone, and seen the smoke and flames in the thatch. |
There was a pool table, a small bank of computers and a corpulent Italian speaking loudly into a mobile phone. |
Previously, radar needed massive fixed equipment to work and transmissions from mobile phone masts were thought too weak to be useful. |
Yefu took only a few necessary things with him, including a cup, a mobile phone, and bedding. |
She knew her husband was involved as soon as he did not answer his mobile phone. |
It seems mobile phone is the medium of choice for communication for modern Japanese. |
Furious residents are battling for the second time to stop huge mobile phone masts going up in Corsham town centre. |
This stylish mobile phone has room for up to 3,000 of your favourite tracks along with a 2 megapixel digital camera. |
Do that, and we may start flicking through the address book on your mobile phone. |
Friday night came and in the absence of a digital watch I synchronised my mobile phone clock. |
Disposing of the tub in the kitchen tidy, she searched the lounge room for her mobile phone and wallet. |
Common sense dictates that it is dangerous to use a mobile phone while driving. |
Results from Vodafone's mobile phone recycling scheme show that Sligo and Cork are tops when it comes to mobile phone recycling. |
The Xpedio Content Publisher enables users to publish content to WML standards that are specific to mobile phone microbrowsers. |
This uses either small roof or loft space antenna and less than one seventeenth the power of a mobile phone. |
He isn't the only sexter whose mobile phone behaviour has landed him in trouble. |
His main areas are micropayments and content billing on GSM mobile phone networks and technology for the public transport industry. |
At present, he said, the mobile phone allowance was a fixed one and factored in to the councillors' mileage expenses. |
In the end, the records and messages in his mobile phone betray him and his affairs are exposed. |
On the other, we are anxious about the impact of a mobile phone transmitter mast in our neighbourhood. |
Campaigners fear radiation from mobile phone transmitters can cause cancer or other health problems. |
Soon the mobile phone network was disabled to allow emergency services a clear line. |
This algorithm is used to encrypt the messages from the mobile phone to the base station. |
There is, of course, a more mundane view of the mobile phone as a fashion accessory. |
More than half of Brits now own a mobile phone, with one handset sold every two seconds. |
Behind a pillar, however, a man in fashionably cut jeans, leather moccasins and a hip yellow sweatshirt talks frustratedly into a mobile phone. |
Look after your mobile phone by keeping it out of sight and don't wander down the street showing it off. |
I then quickly turned on my mobile phone and called Sarah, but the line was busy. |
The police cast doubt on this story by painstaking work with the records of mobile phone companies. |
The poll was run from the council's website and votes could be cast either by computer or a mobile phone. |
Tracy was looking for a new mobile phone, so whilst mooching round Carlisle yesterday we happened to look in the mobile shop. |
The mobile phone system collapsed under the strain amid universal imaginings of loved ones trapped under twisted trains. |
Who ever heard of a twitcher leaving his mobile phone on when bird watching? |
And at this point, or at one very much like it, Thomson's mobile phone rings and bleeps out the theme tune from James Bond. |
The intimacy of the mobile phone creates a similarly fragmented network of communication and desire. |
She had just checked her coat in and met her friends in the bar when her mobile phone rang. |
The volume of mobile phone traffic has increased and what operators are demanding is that there are no blind spots. |
Teenagers I've spoken to have compared it to a parent checking through the messages on their mobile phone without asking. |
And that's without mentioning the wide skies, the winding roads and a blissful lack of mobile phone reception. |
A gang of muggers attacked a man 6ft 8in tall and stole his mobile phone as he walked home after a night out in Trowbridge. |
So it's still possible to steal a mobile phone, change the simcard inside it, rebirth the mobile phone as it were, and Bob's your uncle. |
The mobile phone is equipped for at least two frequency bands and includes an antenna coupled to a multiplex type filter. |
Ofcom has been slammed for failing to force mobile phone operators to cut the cost of making calls. |
On Saturday, having had enough of our unhelpful mobile phone operator, we decided to go shopping for a pair of new phones. |
That is how my day at work went, from watching cartoons to watching an eight-year-old boogie to mobile phone tunes. |
Bookshelves house only books, and not also moisturiser, mobile phone chargers, pens and nail scissors. |
But at just 1.7 per cent of the handset market, smartphones remain a minority interest among mobile phone users. |
People are campaigning against plans for a mobile phone mast in Nelson because they say it will spoil the view of a nature reserve. |
Clipped to the dashboard, I noticed a tiny mobile phone with a jungle-themed snap-on cover. |
Forensic evidence has shown that at least one of the bombs was detonated remotely via an untraceable prepaid mobile phone. |
Recently, I predicted that there was a need for Internet switching ability in a mobile phone. |
He had very little money on him, his cash card remains unused and his mobile phone rang unanswered until the battery ran out. |
Despite worries about possible negative health effects of mobile phone use, various studies over the past few years have proved inconclusive. |
This mobile phone add-on provides a 30-second jolt of pleasure to the nether regions whenever someone rings or texts. |
If a phone is stolen, the mobile phone operator can use the number to turn off the phone, rendering it useless to the thief. |
If I were PM, I'd make it illegal for any child under 16 to own more than a basic brick mobile phone. |
Apple takes you back to when a mobile phone was a brick, not the neat little gadgets they are now. |
I've had a mobile phone for ten years. Not the same phone, obviously. My first one was a brick. |
A vicar has done a dramatic 11 th hour U-turn over controversial plans to set up a mobile phone mast on top of a church tower. |
Make sure you have enough warm clothing, that your mobile phone is fully charged, and take a vacuum flask with a hot drink. |
Nokia did receive better news with the continued turnaround in its mobile phone division. |
The phone user can then transfer a ticket using NFC to a friend's mobile phone. |
The argument that third generation mobile phone technology is non-essential and, therefore, fair game for the Nimby brigade, is flawed. |
There's a URL encoded in the QR code that a new mobile phone application first decodes then launches the browser in your mobile to find. |
Motorola has designed quite a lot of useful accessories around its T720i mobile phone. |
The accursed mobile phone has done what I often wished it would, and disappeared. |
Residents fighting proposals to build mobile phone masts on a former water tower have won crucial backing. |
She was in the kitchen when I arrived, simultaneously rabbiting into a mobile phone while watching a soap opera on television. |
The only count on which he was found not guilty was of stealing a mobile phone and car radio from Mr Ducey. |
On the train from Swansea to Carmarthen I sat next to a mobile phone addict. |
These are transmitters that use radio waves to communicate with mobile phone handsets. |
We have all raged at those dangerous idiots who insist on driving one-handed down the motorway at 80 mph while gabbling into a mobile phone. |
He said five two-way radios, a pair of binoculars and an expensive waterproof mobile phone were stolen in the raid on their hut. |
The legislation should have been introduced years ago before the advent of extensive mobile phone use. |
About 60 per cent of Europe's population already lives within range of a mobile phone transmitter. |
He was about to dictate into his recorder about the progress of his work when his mobile phone rang. |
That mobile phone companies should find themselves weakened just as the sector was about take off makes many afraid for its future stability. |
It's actually a good thing because it means people cannot reach me in the evenings when all they have is a mobile phone number. |
The study compares the reaction times of drivers who are talking on a mobile phone. |
A gun was held to a teenage girl's neck by a mugger who robbed her of her mobile phone. |
But the objectors believe that the mobile phone company is to appeal against the decision. |
A mobile phone or PDA with a bar-code reader would simply scan the object's code to download any relevant information. |
Some mobile service agents will also provide you with a replacement mobile phone while yours is being repaired. |
The reality of motherhood is trainers, a fleece, a worry list and a mobile phone. |
I reckon since I arrived and purchased my mobile phone I have keyed in and later deleted at least 25 numbers. |
This new player in the mobile phone market twins your paid airtime with free minutes, and all you have to do is listen to some ads. |
Although we had enough airtime on our mobile phones, it was impossible to call for a rescue bus because the area had no mobile phone network. |
The firm, which provides mobile airtime services to more than half a million mobile phone users, currently employs more than 500 staff. |
The buyers are likely to be mobile phone companies wanting to use the airwaves for new gadgets such as video phones. |
Hackers can clone mobile phone SIM cards in minutes, and make calls at their victims' expense. |
The benevolent prince is wisecracking with his cronies, guffawing and texting on his mobile phone. |
My mobile phone says 19.38 and I am still alone in the aptly christened Nostalgie Ball Room, barring a handful of meticulously besuited men at the door. |
The committee also said there was no health risk from mobile phone masts. |
What exactly is the etiquette of sitting next to someone on the train who is noisily and abusively breaking up with their boyfriend on a mobile phone? |
A barber has become so annoyed by mobile phone use in his shop that he has started issuing fines every time he hears a bleep or electronic jingle. |
One man threatened him with the air gun, while the second rifled through his pockets, stealing a Sony mobile phone and a disposable cigarette lighter. |
Everybody may need a mobile phone in America, and many people may need a smartphone. |
The disappointing return from the publicity blitz was doubly concerning as it coincided with a buoyant period for the mobile phone industry generally. |
Those with sensitive behinds will even be able to use their mobile phone to ring in advance and warm up their electronically-monitored toilet seat. |
While mobile phone records can be scoured from here to eternity, anything short of recorded conversations seems unlikely to constitute watertight evidence. |
Generating a figure for mobile phone use would be similarly difficult. |
The government could then sell off the airwaves to mobile phone companies. |
Spacey was performing in the play clarence Darrow when a mobile phone began ringing in the stalls. |
The Metropolitan police chief wants mobile phone companies to make it more difficult to swap SIM cards between handsets as a step to halt the rise in phone related muggings. |
She was referring to the picture of me dressed in a basque, stockings, suspenders and a thong that had been circulating on everybody's mobile phone. |
Point of sale advertising has long been a popular marketing tool for mobile phone operators, but branding entire shop fronts is a relatively new development. |
Controversial plans to set up a mobile phone mast on top of a church tower are expected to be approved by councillors tomorrow despite fierce opposition. |
In March, boffins at the Transport Research Laboratory in Berkshire found that using a mobile phone while driving was more dangerous than being drunk behind the wheel. |
One Syrian man showed him mobile phone pictures of the destruction of his village. |
Radio waves are low energy radio frequency radiation waves that transmit through the antenna on a mobile phone to the base station and back again. |
A second patient brought mobile phone images of his partner's episodic natal cleft rash, which had defied GP and dermatological diagnosis for 3 years. |
If you see a major or even minor local event, write it up and send your account, along with any pictures you capture on your mobile phone or digital camera. |
I have just stuck an Australian SIM card in my mobile phone. |
The latest fleet challenge is making sure vehicles have compliant handsets to make sure their drivers don't get on the wrong side of the new mobile phone legislation. |
Rumours came in on the limited mobile phone texts and on the one battery radio about earthquakes somewhere nearby, but no clue as to the enormity of the whole thing. |
University's electrical and electronic engineering department, said it was theoretically possible to locate someone using mobile phone base stations or the GPS system. |
And the closest he can get to his family at Christmas is an e-mail sent from his expedition computer, a short wave radio message or, at best, a brief call on his mobile phone. |
Most heinously of all, she carried pictures of Western pop stars, notably Celine Dion, on her mobile phone. |
It is, however, an easy matter to unblock a mobile phone account. |
This entry brought to you courtesy of Bluetooth and my mobile phone. |
In the distance Carl could hear the ringing of his mobile phone. |
Increases in mobile phone service charges by some operators and a further narrowing in the decline of private housing rentals also contributed to the smaller fall. |
When I do, I can see an electric light, a dyson vacuum cleaner, a laptop computer, a blow-heater and a mobile phone. |
I recently lost my mobile phone and duly reported it missing. |
A Northampton company was reprimanded by the Advertising Standards Authority after it used scare tactics to sell anti-radiation mobile phone products. |
Britain's thickest armed blagger was jailed for six years after leaving his mobile phone containing pictures of himself and his wife at the scene of a robbery. |
Another benefit touted for developing countries is the potential of so-called m-commerce or the ability to buy goods and services using a mobile phone. |
Prison guards in Lima found a contraband mobile phone in his prison cell that he claimed was given to him by the warden. |
British mobile phone operators are likely to mount strong resistance to any flat fee, although they may be more receptive to a single tariff for the island of Ireland. |
I watch a chic woman with full make up and a glittering green bikini conduct an animated mobile phone conversation while strolling up and down and smoking. |
The move is an acknowledgment that the landline business is largely dead and the mobile phone has saturated the world. |
As late as 2001, there were only six mobile phone numbers listed in the ITD, the court heard. |
That disproves nothing as Jessica's mobile phone signal has been traced to this area until 1.30 am when the signal faded as the battery died or it was switched off. |
Now that global mobile phone sales have started to fall for the first time ever, producers may well have to turn predator in order to win market share. |
The user is advised to be patient and explain to a passing interlocutor that the device is similar to a mobile phone. |
This leaves any local authority as its own judge and jury with regard to physical harm from pulsing radiation emissions from mobile phone transmitter masts. |
Abdi worked with his brother in a mobile phone store, as a DJ, and most recently, a limousine driver. |
The industry scheme is all well and good but until every shop has a bin for collecting scrap mobile phone equipment, the scheme is nothing more than tokenism. |
One of the most irksome things that can happen to a mobile phone user is a flat battery, and the charging devices are designed to solve the problem. |
Called mobile information device, or more concisely MID profile, the standard promises to bring yet more stuff to the titchy screen of your mobile phone. |
Now an independent strategy and technology consultant, his current major focus is the area of micropayments and content billing on GSM mobile phone networks. |
The country's largest mobile phone operator suspended its chat services last year after it became concerned about some content in unmoderated chatrooms. |
With barely time for the sarsaparilla he jokingly promised himself on the flight back to London last Friday, he is mapping out where the mobile phone giant will go next. |
He stole a mobile phone from his top pocket and a wallet from a jacket. |
It started with me nearly getting killed by a boy racer with a Burberry cap on driving on the wrong side of the road up hill using his mobile phone. |
Drivers talking on a hands-free mobile phone are more distracted than when speaking to a passenger, a Government-commissioned report has said. |
In the interviews it became apparent that the girls choose their products on kawaiiness. A mobile phone is kawaii for communication and e-mail. |
The Metro system was the first in the UK to have mobile phone antennae installed in the tunnels. |
A number of mobile phone apps and services have been developed to help passengers claim their refund more efficiently. |
It is believed that one third of mobile phone users in Northern Ireland have been affected by this. |
Foreign private individuals cannot easily open bank accounts or subscribe to mobile phone or internet services. |
Overall mobile phone penetration rate is at 148 mobile phone subscribers per 100 people. |
This service allows you to follow free practice and qualifying as well as race day action via a timing screen from your computer or mobile phone. |
All Finnish schools and public libraries have Internet connections and computers and most residents have a mobile phone. |
The mobile phone market is shared by the state owned ANTEL and two private companies, Movistar and Claro. |
A stun gun disguised as a mobile phone has been seized from a 14-year-old boy in Manchester. |
They have taken all devices, including mobile phone set and walky-talkies, he claimed. |
Scratched glass Remove scratches on glassware, watch glasses or mobile phone screens by polishing with toothpaste. |
NeverDed's wireless charging conversion kit includes a mobile phone wireless adapter, home dock, car dock, and portable charger. |
Not for me the stress of City trading and yabbering into a mobile phone, or indeed cooking in a new-fangled microwave. |
The Siemens device is the size of a mobile phone and works by analysing a patient's breath and measuring the amount of nitrogen monoxide. |
In the style of a 20km Olympic Race Walker, wander to your local retailer, computer or mobile phone to buy a ticket. |
Later, the matter was settled amicably by the parents themselves after the mobile phone was returned to the Rajputs. |
Carphone Warehouse were fined pounds 245,000 by the Financial Services Authority for mis-selling mobile phone insurance in September. |
I introduced the first car phone in 1982, and in 1987, the first handheld mobile phone for Nordic Mobile Telephone networks. |
A FORKLIFT truck driver who was the inside man in a pounds 1million mobile phone heist was jailed for a year yesterday. |
The world's biggest mobile phone makers and network operators have backed plans to create a universal phone recharger. |
A council is threaten-ing action after a mobile phone mast was put up without planning permission. |
Factory 5 produces steel towers of mobile phone networks without galvanization. |
A WRISTWATCH, a 9ct gold bracelet, an iPod Nano, a mobile phone and a cassette player were taken in the incident. |
Text adventures are back and you'll be able to play them on a mobile phone following a deal between Nokia and software developers Activision. |
Text Message Server 3 enables users to send text messages from their desktop PC to a mobile phone. |
The money goes to an Axis Bank ATM machine in India and the beneficiary gets two code numbers on his mobile phone. |
We believe mobile phone users are eager for a solution that makes crystal clear audio calling possible even in the nosiest environments. |
Swan mussels, some the size of a mobile phone, and 10 species of fish have been moved to Calderstone Park while the work is carried out. |
On Friday, TRAI has announced the amendment made to the regulation of deactivation of mobile phone numbers which are not in use. |
She kept in contact with shoplifter Crawford by mobile phone, planning handovers of goods, with no money changing hands. |
But then, just as I have slowed down enough to enjoy the nowness of now, and the grass has started growing under my feet, the mobile phone goes. |
Tiffany Baber, 19, tricked Thomas Parker into meeting her to sell a mobile phone, then left him to be mercilessly robbed. |
Instinctively, I dialled my husband's mobile phone with my own mobile phone while talking to the man on the land line. |
Socks moonwalks along a cliff to Fleetwood Mac track Everywhere in a TV ad for a mobile phone firm, first shown last week. |
Communifake is the act of pretending to initiate and maintain a fake conversation on your mobile phone around other people. |
Norwegian acoustic balladeers make songs that are picked up and ruined by mobile phone companies' cinema adverts. |
When users pair the base unit to a mobile phone or PC and make a call, all participants can speak with the party on the other end. |
She slumped inelegantly alongside her toddler's pushchair and gawped at the screen of her expensive mobile phone. |
Grandmother Kaye Hughes, 65, of Palmerston, Barry, posed for her gurn while daughter Sam captured the moment on her mobile phone. |
Talking on a hands-free mobile phone while at the wheel could be as dangerous as drink-driving, according to new research. |
Jason Wretham, 26, used his mobile phone to call the Coastguard as he lay injured in Herne Bay, Kent. |
A LORRY driver was attacked and had his mobile phone stolen by two robbers as he parked in a lay-by. |
At first I thought it was someone's mobile phone but then realised it was a glowstick. |
According to BOE, the new production line is intended to produce high-end mobile phone panels and new displays for mobile devices. |
The black briefcase was taken, along with a pink Nokia mobile phone and gold necklace with wide interlocking links. |
Half-naked David Broadhead then headed to a pal's house, leaving his clothing and mobile phone behind. |
Everything was just fine until some sharp-eyed geek spotted the intrepid cybernaut with a mobile phone and wondered if that was allowed. |
Perdikis also suggested that the Electricity Authority of Cyprus' mobile phone power lines and pillars also constituted a health hazard. |
Men were nearly twice as likely as women to consider mobile phone use at a business lunch acceptable. |
The Neo Ellipse is a uniquely designed phone that resembles a sculpture more than it does a mobile phone. |
The next clocker introduced himself as Brian but used a mobile phone in the name of William Gilfillan of Restalrig Road, Edinburgh. |
This is because picture messaging is cumbersome and people are generally limited to the images on their mobile phone. |
To join the promo, you have to register an FXOpen eWallet, verify your mobile phone number and open a new STP account. |
A MAN who ran off without paying a pounds 600 taxi fare was caught by a mobile phone call. |
In wake of the suspension of mobile phone service directives for the installation of landline telephone and wireless system in all these command posts have been issued. |
Just before the season opener in Australia, Hamilton was pictured riding a motorcycle in New Zealand on the public road whilst using a mobile phone, against the law. |
This lets customers instantly make secure, single-click credit card transactions from any Web-enabled mobile phone, without a user name or pin code requirement. |
Daniel Truelove, 18, had already stolen a paperboy's bike when he approached a dog walker in Birkenhead Park on April 20 last year and demanded cash and his mobile phone. |
Witel's global mobile phone service and its Jetter Wi-Fi phone allows free mobile phone calls without the need for a computer or a dedicated Internet connection. |
My Dad can't answer his mobile phone. He's a real technophobe. |
Next month's TOPCIMA paper will focus on a fictitious mobile phone company called Dizz, but it's worth remembering that the industry chosen by the examiners is only a context. |
Services such as Qik and Mogulus also allow for livecasting, in addition to offering the ability to broadcast video and support chatroom functionality from a mobile phone. |
I'm going to sideload my computer's address book onto my mobile phone. |
And, where reception permits, a fully charged mobile phone is recommended. |
Please switch off your mobile phone if travelling in the quiet carriage. |
According to the ICIJ, Aliyev's daughter Arzu not only has financial stakes not only in gold rights but also in Azerfon, the country's largest mobile phone business. |
The performance was disturbed twice by a ringing mobile phone. |
One letter sent to a woman in Coventry contained account numbers, sort codes, mobile phone details and the names and addresses of customers in Bradford and Nottingham. |
SpinVox, the leader in voice-to-text services, has used its expertise in mobile phone and voicemail etiquette to name the United Kingdom's top ten most annoying voicemails. |
Mobile audio IC is mainly applied to mobile phone and MP3 players. |
Virtually anyone with a mobile phone can use text message banking. |
Robbery occurs if an aggressor forcibly snatched a mobile phone or if he used a knife to make an implied threat of violence to the holder and then took the phone. |
Married couple Keir and Sarah McConomy's iMend operation is helping reconnect around 500 mobile phone users a week less than a year after launching. |
The process of tracking photographs is different because it is not only necessary to sign the taken photography by a mobile phone, but also geolocalize it. |
His trade stand provides free invisible marker pens and information on preventing rural crime, as well as logging mobile phone numbers onto the national police database. |
The IMB has now repeated a call for a signal deviator, a device that would effectively block mobile phone transmissions, to be installed at Altcourse. |
Even with legal crackdown on mobile spammers, SMS spam and SMiShing continue to grow at a rapid pace as there are billions of mobile phone subscribers who use text messaging. |
More smartphones are forecast to be shipped globally than feature phones in 2013, the first such occurrence in the mobile phone market on an annual basis. |